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Joshua Home

New York Times

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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

New York Times

money built this building." – Jerome Vick

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The Roots of Excellence

"North Carolina's Tobacco Legacy and the Vick Family Farms Story"

The history of tobacco farming in North Carolina began with the Native American tribes who cultivated and used tobacco as a sacred plant for medicinal and spiritual purposes. When European settlers arrived, they quickly adopted these traditions of growing and using tobacco. In fact, the first recorded shipment of tobacco from North America to England was made in 1612, solidifying North Carolina’s importance in the industry.

Over the years, tobacco farming has become deeply ingrained in the culture and economy of North Carolina. Like Vick Family Farms, many family farms have been passed down through generations, with each farmer carrying on the tradition of their ancestors while advancing and modernizing their techniques and equipment along the way. This level of dedication and expertise is what sets North Carolina tobacco apart in terms of quality.

The climate and soil in North Carolina provide the perfect conditions for growing tobacco. The warm and humid summers, coupled with rich, fertile soil, create the ideal environment for producing high-quality crops. This allows farmers to harvest tobacco leaves that are not only larger but also more flavorful and aromatic than those grown in other regions.

As Jerome Vick once said while receiving the prestigious Tobacco Great Award presented annually by North Carolina State University, the N.C. Department of Agriculture, and the Tobacco Growers of North Carolina,

“We’ve got the best land in the world to grow tobacco. We’ve got the best farmers in the world, and we’ve got the best commissioner of agriculture. So I don’t know what else we could ask for. Just don’t give up. Don‘t ever give up.”

Today, North Carolina produces over 250 million pounds of tobacco annually with a statewide economic impact estimated at greater than two billion dollars.

Jerome and Lyn Vick have been at the forefront of blending these traditional methods of curing and drying tobacco with advanced technologies for growing and harvesting, building generational relationships with their workers, and providing unparalleled customer service to entrench Vick Family Farms as a tobacco farming leader not only in North Carolina but across the nation.

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